Tuesday, May 15, 2012

in an out of nullsec.

after 3 alliances and 3 multi-trip carrier moves across the map (master cynoer btw.) I end up in NPC land once more. whoring on that LP faucet.

few ex corpies start saying theyre now renters in a system that needs ratters. So sure why not. 100 mil /hr in carrier ratting doesn't sound bad.

finally picked up CCC rigs for my carrier, two more DCU's (12 drones rawr), and some tank fittings. Time to finish carrier v.

I shot at a pocos today, after about an hour of fighters and two nagas I got it down to about half armor. I picked up blasters for nagas, should speed it up. I never solod (well, trippled) a strucutre before. :P

Anyway, before ending up in High Carebeardom Central, I did manage to top Red Galaxy's kb for last month, but only coz those guys were busy moving and helping with alliance shit. Hope to fly with those guys again some time.

Ooh, new sanctum *warps*