Sunday, February 12, 2012

nullsec fail

tried to go out on my nullsec toon last nite. Saw shadow cartel *waves* and later got decloaked while baby aggro'd  & double tap'd. still fun. Sorry corp killboard, will try harder.

highsec toon upped his bounty by 30M with this kill, he mad bro ;D

Friday, February 10, 2012

dang it retriever!

i swear officer it looked like a hulk on scan. oh, wasted a bru.. you know you fail when it dies in one shot lol.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

sometimes you get your wish ☻

I was a bit eve'd out, logistics and shopping all day, and wanted an easy hulk kill before I logged off. I undock beef in a cheetah. Theres a hulk right on station.. meh. Station ganks are hard.

Keep looking.

Checked the belts in the whole constellation, nothing. Come back. Hulk .. still there, drifting off, by now 120KM off station.

I cloaky-sneak up behind him, hes moving at 69m/s, my cloaked velocity is 500m/s. Can't figure out how to BM it, so I decide Im gonna race ahead in his path, say +40, and BM a spot ahead in his direction - which gives me enough time to dock, buy some gank ships, fit them, undock, warp to planet, and warp to BM.


afking in front of station - check
landing my alts 20KM off - FAIL
crawling till in range - check
target not warped off - check
t2 rigs - check 


Minutes later ..  "such and such has added you as a contact with TERRIBLE standings."

zee end.