Monday, January 9, 2012

The Game, The Puppet

Eve online has a really interesting concept for subscription, in that you can use the wealth generated in-game, to pay for the game. As my main nears its 4th birthday, and the BeefFleet now sports 3 accounts with a combined 4.5K DPS, this plot from Eveboard paints the picture:

I'm not playing the game, the game is playing me :P  

What this is not showing is my gains in standings with two factions i burnt to -10 while running too many anti-faction missions in Gallente space, all the dips not marked as plex purchases are tag purchases to turn in data-center missions. I'm up from -6.8 to -5 this month .. still a bit to go.

Since the process leaves me with little surplus cash, foreseeably for another 2 months, I've downscaled my hulk ganking addiction from BC's to destroyers. But the Crucible expansion made that transition a smooth one since Catalyst now rates at 730ish DPS, I can still down most hulks with 2 cats (or solo macks.) Nothing quite big-scale as my Gankvember spree, but still: \0//

Skillwise, I'm still grinding ships and weapons, cross training each toon for at least two races. My oldest is already fully 3x cross-trained (all subcaps except amarr) which in retrospect is a sign of boredom and lack of direction.

"I have a plan.. somewhere in the back of my mind there is a purpose for all of this. "
- the puppet

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